Cosmetology, 14th Ed

Milady Standard Cosmetology, 14th Edition

Textbook (9780357379080/9780357871492)
Chapter Page Details
2 32 Corrected the number placement for the ribs in Figure 2-6. Download Corrected PDF »
5 107 Corrected the distorted image of Figure 5-1. Download Corrected PDF »
6 118 Within Table 6-1, for Eggshell nail, deleted the word ‘poor’ when referring to diet. Correct sentence is ‘Noticeably thin white nail plate is more flexible than usual; usually caused by diet, heredity, internal disease, medication, or overfiling with an abrasive’. Download Corrected PDF »
6 127 In the ‘Chapter Glossary’, changed the text within the definition for ‘eggshell nail’ from ‘poor diet’ to ‘diet’. Correct definition is ‘noticeably thin, white nail plate that is more flexible than usual; usually caused by diet, heredity, internal disease, medication, or overfiling with an abrasive’. Download Corrected PDF »
15 551, 569, 575 All references to “root” were replaced with “scalp” on pages 551, 569, and 575. Download Corrected PDF »
16 639 Within the DID YOU KNOW, corrected the procedure title and page reference for 16-1 Preliminary Patch Test and Strand Test. Download Corrected PDF »
19 822-823 In Table 19-5, revisions have been made to the following:
Updated steps for the Heart shape.
Updated images for Oblong and Triangle shapes.
Updated image for “Emphasize receding chin”.
Changed “Reduce prominent chin” to “Minimize chin area” and updated the content as follows: ‘To minimize a prominent chin, apply darker foundation on the chin and blend into the entire chin area. To minimize a double chin, apply darker foundation under the chin and along the jawline and blend.’
Added new row “Reduce width from jaw area” with imagery and content.
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Exam Prep (9780357379103)
Chapter Page Details
  339 Comprehensive Exam Answer Key Download Corrected PDF »
Course Management Guide USB Testbank(9780357379011)
Chapter Question Details
8 The following are all true statements about congenital canities EXCEPT: The answer for the following question is updated to A instead of B.
a. Canities can be caused by narrowing of the hair shaft.
b. Canities can be present at birth.
c. Canities can result from age and genetics.
d. Canities can result from extreme stress.
10 Why would a cosmetologist use an astringent lotion for a scalp treatment? Replaced “for a” with “after a” in the following question:
Why would a cosmetologist use an astringent lotion after a scalp treatment?
Spanish Course Management Guide Testbank(9798214077949)
Chapter Question Details
6 11. ¿Cuál de las siguientes enfermedades de las uñas se relaciona con infecciones fúngicas de los pies o pie de atleta?

The answer for the following question is updated to A instead of C.
a. Tinea Pedis
Tinea pedis es la enfermedad relacionada con la presencia de infecciones fúngicas de los pies, también conocida como pie de atleta.

Milady Standard Cosmetology, 13th Edition

Textbook (9781285769417/9781285769431)
Chapter Page Details
19 590 Figures 19-44 and 19-45. The updated credit line is: Photography
19 593 Figure 19-48: The updated credit line is: Photography by Tom Carson. Figure 19-49: The updated credit line is: Photography by Tom Carson. Hair: Debra McGarvey/Debra M Salon.
Course Management Guide CD (9781285769677)
Chapter Page Question Details
1 3 22 Answer should be c
5 2 1 Answer (a) should read SDS not MSDS
11 115 27 Answer should be False
11 115 30 Answer should be False
11 118 61 Answer should be False
11 124 114 Answer should be False
12 6 129 Answer should be True
CD Testbank Questions
Chapter Page Question Details
1 2 11 Delete the barber pole question. It is not covered in the 13th edition.
5   41 Replace answer (b) using a clean solvent to "using an electric
20 6 31 Answer (a) should be hydroxide ion

Natural Hair Care & Braiding

Milady Standard Natural Hair Care & Braiding

Textbook (9781133693680)
Chapter Page Details
7 150 The paragraph should read for reprint below as follows: Silica is a mineral and found in the earth and the human body. It is found in stones and rocks in a form known as silicon. There is some evidence that it acts to stabilize calcium and magnesium, which assist in hormonal balance; strengthens bones, tendons, tissues, muscles and boosts the immune system. There is also evidence that it may factor in the production of collagen protein, which gives the skin and scalp strength, elasticity, and balance. As we age, we lose the ability to produce silica on our own. As we lose collagen, we lose elasticity in our skin, moisture in our hair, and strength in our bones. Silica food sources are wheat bran, soybeans, beets, green vegetables, cucumbers, mango, and brown rice.
Workbook (9781133765653)
Chapter Page Question Details
1 3 Crossword The crossword puzzle has incorrectly placed numbers. Change the following: 1 to 7, 4 to 6, 5 to 2, 2 to 5, 7 to 3, 3 to 4, and 6 to 1
Course Management Guide CD (9781133765622)
Chapter Page Question Details
(Workbook Ans. Key)
3 Crossword The crossword puzzle has incorrectly placed numbers. Change the following: 1 to 7, 4 to 6, 5 to 2, 2 to 5, 7 to 3, 3 to 4, and 6 to 1

Haircutting System

Milady Standard Haircutting System

Textbook (9781285769707)
Page Details
24 The introduction under the heading "System Haircuts" should read as follows: The following fifteen haircuts make up the Haircutting System, and appear grouped by length and then in order of increasing complexity, beginning with the basic Blunt Haircut. Additional information on the four foundational cuts — the blunt, graduated, uniform layered, and long-­‐layered haircuts can be found in Milady Standard Cosmetology.
Instructor Edition (9781305587038)
Page Details
26 The introduction under the heading "System Haircuts" should read as follows: The following fifteen haircuts make up the Haircutting System, and appear grouped by length and then in order of increasing complexity, beginning with the basic Blunt Haircut. Additional information on the four foundational cuts — the blunt, graduated, uniform layered, and long-­‐layered haircuts can be found in Milady Standard Cosmetology.


Milady Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals, 12th Edition

Textbook (9781337095020)
121Expert Q&A: Pamela Springer - first sentence should read "Founder of Global Skin Solutions, a corrective skin care line; and a professional speaker and former national training director for major skin care companies, Springer's passion is to educate other skin care professionals on the unique nuances of pigmented skin."
237Figure 2-8b credit line to be removed
244Update pronunciation of sternocleidomastoid (SCM) to (STUR-noh-KLY-doh-MAS-toyd)
256Figure 2-25 Pulmonary Circulation - arteries should be on the left (from heart to lungs) and veins should be on the right (from lungs to heart)
266Figure 2-31 caption should be "The diaphragm"
273Remove term "Epicranial Aponeurosis" from end of chapter glossary and en of book glossary.
279Update pronunciation of sternocleidomastoid (SCM) to (STUR-noh-KLY-doh-MAS-toyd)
7266Figure 7-3 Correct the word "Cheisea" in the figure to "Chelsea"
Glossary728Correct the word 'Pruitis' in the glossary to 'Pruritus'

Milady Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals, 11th Edition

Textbook (9781111306892)
345Delete HIPPA and replace with HIPAA
6132In Figure 6–17, the central nervous system (CNS) should include cranial nerves and spinal nerves in addition to the brain and spinal cord.
7171Change definition of Solutions to: Solutions are stable physical mixtures of two or more substances.
7172Change definition of Suspensions to: Suspensions are unstable mixtures of two or more immiscible substances.
8194Under Intense Pulse Light header, change to: Intense pulse light is a light medical device that uses multiple colors and wavelengths (broad spectrum) of focused light to treat spider veins…
10227Change Key Term UVA rays (aging rays) to: UVA radiation (aging rays). Change Key Term UVB rays (burning rays) to: UVB radiation (burning rays).
10245Under Sun Damage header, change Key Terms UVA and UVB to: UVA radiation and UVB radiation.
11262Change Figure 11-9 caption to: seborrheic dermatitis.
14372Third photo should have #3 in upper left corner instead of #2.
Glossary724Change to: Auricularis posterior, muscle behind the ear that draws the ear backward, 128, 149
Glossary756Change UVA rays to: UVA radiation. Change UVB rays to: UVB radiation.
Exam Review (9781111306922)
1115937Change answer to: a


Milady Standard Esthetics: Advanced, 2nd Edition

Course Management Guide Binder (9781111139100)
1630717Answer should be (b)
Course Management CD (9781111139131)
1630717Answer should be (b)

Make Up

Milady Standard Makeup

Textbook (9781111539597)
7142-143Figure numbers incorrect. Figure 7-28: Image of a diamond face. Change to Figure 7-29: Image of a diamond face. Figure 7-29: Placement of foundation and blush for a diamond face. Change to Figure 7-30: Placement of foundation and blush for a diamond face. Figure 7-30: Image of a diamond face with blended foundation and blush. Change to Figure 7-31: Image of a diamond face with blended foundation and blush.
11246Procedure 11-1 icon for Luminous 3-D Couture Makeup, “SEE PAGE 225” changed to “SEE PAGE 255”


Milady Standard Barbering, 6th Edition

Textbook (9781305100558)
11285Remove "to promote growth" in 3rd bullet under heading: "Scalp Treatment with an Electric Massager"
12332Step 9 of 12-4 change percussion to petrissage
144062nd Did You Know box is being replaced with State Regulatory Alert Box: "Check with your State Board about use of clipper guards during your practical exam."
Student Workbook (9781305100664)
16169LO2Heading should read Blunt, Graduated, Uniformed-Layered, and Long-Layered Haircuts


Milady Standard Nail Technology, 8th Edition

Textbook (9781337786553)
226Figure 2-7 has been updated to show the correct labeling of the radius and ulna bones of the arm. Download Corrected PDF »
10292Step 7 should read: For a two-week wrap maintenance, repeat steps 5 and 6 and, then skip to step 9.
10308Procedure 10-5, Step 18 should read: Repeat step 17 to add a second coat. Let stand until dry, following manufacturers instructions.
Exam Prep (9780357871485)
6198The answer key on page 198 is updated for Chapter 6’s answer key for questions after number 60. Download Corrected PDF »

Milady Standard Nail Technology, 7th Edition

Textbook (9781285080475)
576The definition of Sterilization should read: Sterilization, which is the process that destroys all microbial life, is a method that can be incorporated but is very rarely mandated.
577In the first paragraph of Sterilization, change the last sentence to read: Dry heat forms of sterilization are less efficient and require longer times at higher temperatures but still can be used in the salon.
577-78Replace the second sentence of the second paragraph of Sterilization with: Training for the use of autoclaves can be found by searching the internet as well as from the manufacturers of autoclaves.
578Replace the last sentence of the first partial paragraph with: Autoclaves offer complete destruction of all microorganisms, which is an advantage over liquid disinfectants. After the fourth sentence of the first full paragraph, which ends "… autoclave spore testing .", add: Nail techs  can also obtain self-­‐spore testing vials or mail-­‐in spore testing kits. The last sentence of the first full paragraph should read: Other regular maintenance is also required to ensure that the autoclave reaches the proper temperature and pressure.
583Remove the first sentence of Individual Client Packs step three, which begins "Setting aside or storing..."
9167The central paragraph "It Is Not a Mold!" should read: In the past, discolorations of the nail plate (especially those between the plate and artificial enhancements) were generally referred to as “molds,” which are a type of fungus. Infections of the toenails are usually fungus but molds can grow on both fingernails and toenails above and below the nail plate. The discoloration is usually a bacterial infection that is caused by a type of bacteria called pseudomonas aeruginosa. These naturally occurring skin bacteria can grow rapidly to cause an infection if conditions are correct for growth (Figure 9–9). Bacterial or fungal (mold) infections can be caused by the use of implements that are contaminated with large numbers of these bacteria. Water does not cause infections but can support bacterial and fungal growth. Infections are caused by large numbers of bacteria or fungal organisms on a surface where the conditions are right for growth. This is why proper cleansing and preparation of the natural nail plate, as well as cleaning and disinfection or sterilization of implements, are so important. If these pathogens are not present, infections cannot occur. A typical bacterial infection on the nail plate can be identified in the early stages as a yellow-­‐green spot that becomes darker in its advanced stages. The color usually changes from yellow to green to brown to black. Clients with these symptoms should be immediately referred to a physician for treatment. It is against state and federal laws for a nail professional to diagnose a nail infection or to recommend or provide any treatment for any nail infection. Do not remove the artificial nail unless directed to do so by the client’s treating physician.
10176The first sentence of States of Matter should read: All matter exists in one of three different physical forms. Remove "4. Vapor" and "5. Plasma" from the list of states. The brief paragraph following the list of states should read: These three forms are called the states of matter. Matter assumes one of these states, depending on its temperature (Figure 10-3).
15285Under the Craft and Hobby Tools section, the correct industry standard shank size should be listed as 3/32" (2.38 mm). The sentence should read: "The bits needed for these electric files have a different shank size (1/8” in or 3.12 mm) compared to the industry standard shank size of 3/32" (2.38mm)."
Exam Review (9781285080543)
513937Answer should be (d) liver
814118Answer (b) should read as sticky not tricky. Answer is (b) found on page 155 of the core text.
1014232Answer should be (b) ion
1014342Answer is found on page 174 not page 180. Answer should be (b) organic substance
1214441Answer is found on page 203 not page 204
1314429Answer should be (d) four coats
1814739Answer is found on page 359 not on page 389

Master Educator

Master Educator, 3rd Edition

Textbook (9781133693697)
 xiChange subhead "Roles of the Instructor" to "Roles of a Master Educator"
15Change subhead "Roles of the Instructor" to "Roles of a Master Educator"
18Change title of list “Top Ten Numbers for Effective Time Analysis” to “Top Ten Questions for Effective Time Analysis”
110Delete the "a" in the sentence "The definitions do, however, imply that an educator holds a great deal of responsibility."
119Change title of list “Top Ten Numbers for Effective Time Analysis” to “Top Ten Steps to a Professional Image”
122Delete the word stalk and replace with walk in the following sentence: "For example, you could publicly criticize and humiliate a student during a class, causing him to get up and WALK out of the classroom."
Instructor Resource CD (9781133777052)
17-19Lesson PlanThere are multiple corrections needed to this lesson plan. 1) On page 7, delete section I.B Background of Educators. 2) On pages 7-­‐8, delete section II.E.1 Key Concepts of Time Management. 3) On pages 9-­‐10, delete sections II.I.1 Team and and II.I.2 Team members. 4) On page 10, delete section II.K.1.b Turning challenges into opportunities and II.K.1.c. Being a leader. 5) On page 12, delete the following sentence from section II.N.1 Desire: "Motivation is an internal decision influenced by external situations or circumstances." 6) On page 12, in the notes for section II.N.3 Motivation, add "Motivation is an internal decision influenced by external situations or circumstances." 7) On page 13, switch the order of the headers and notes (not including the activity) of section II.P to P1. Importance of Imagination and P.2. Imagination. 8) On page 14, for section II.R.2. Personality development, insert "do not be critical" between h. and i. 9) On page 14, delete section II.R.4 Three rules of positive self-­‐talk. 10) On page 15, under Let's Review, in the answer to question 1, change "having authority, order, and self control" to "having authority, order, and self-­‐confidence." 11) On page 10, under Let's Review, delete question 2, What are the key concepts in time management and control? 12) On page 19, Under Learning Reinforcement Ideas/Activities, delete #4.
242Answer KeyMake the following changes for the answer key to the chapter 2 test: For question 1, answer should be: B. For question 3, answer should be: C. For question 4, answer should be: A. For question 5, answer should be: D. For question 6, answer should be: A. For question 7, answer should be: B. For question 8, answer should be: C. For question 10, answer should be: D. For question 11, answer should be: C. For question 12, answer should be: A. For question 13, answer should be: D. For question 14, answer should be: A. For question 15, answer should be: C. For question 17, answer should be: D. For question 18, answer should be: C. For question 19, answer should be: D. For question 20, answer should be: C. For question 21, answer should be: B. For question 22, answer should be A. For question 23, answer should be C. For question 24, answer should be A. For question 25, answer should be B. For question 26, the answer should be D. For question 27, the answer should be C. For question 28, the answer should be B. For question 29, the answer should be A.
7125Answer KeyAnswer 51 is missing. It should be: 51. D.
Exam Review (9781133776598)
21024Change answer b. to read "half-round or crescent style."
75263Change answer b. to read "indirect questioning."
85410Change answer b. to read "low-profile intervention."
51668Answer should be: c.
816710Answer should be: b.
1016814Answer should be: a.
1116820Answer should be: d.
1617029Answer should be: d.
1717027Answer should be: b.


Milady Standard Foundations, 1st Edition

Textbook (9781337095259)
5108Replaced the image, caption, and credit line for Figure 5-7. New caption is "MRSA infection.", the new credit line is "".