This Is Not the Latest Edition
We continually raise the standard for student instructor education, and this edition no longer provides the most up-to-date education and skills future educators need to succeed. Learn about the Milady Professional Educator (4th Edition) here.

Master Educator, third edition provides the backbone of the instructor theory for the beauty and wellness educator. The text presents educators with the teaching skills and educational judgments necessary to become an effective and successful instructor. The content in Master Educator is designed for flexibility, being used in programs ranging from a basic overview of instructor training to programs that require more advanced teaching techniques. Presented in a conversational, easy-to-understand style, it uses many pedagogical features to emphasize important information and powerful teaching techniques. Master Educator serves the future instructor as a valuable, fundamental learning tool, and the seasoned instructor with the strategies needed to adapt to the changing landscape of classroom learning.
Author: Letha Barnes
- The Career Education Instructor
- The Teaching Plan and Learning Environment
- Teaching Study and Testing Skills
- Basic Learning Styles and Principles
- Basic Methods of Teaching and Learning
- Communicating Confidently
- Effective Presentations
- Effective Classroom Management and Supervision
- Achieving Learner Results
- Program Review, Development, and Lesson Planning
- Educational Aids and Technology in the Classroom
- Assessing Progress and Advising Students
- Making the Student Salon an Adventure
- Career and Employment Preparation
- The Art of Retaining Students
- Educator Relationships
- Learning Is a Laughing Matter
- Teaching Success Strategies for a Winning Career
- Teams at Work
- Evaluating Professional Performance
Student Textbook
ISBN: 9781133693697
List Price: $223.95 USD
Printed Access Card
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Exam Review
- Chapter-by-chapter multiple-choice questions
- Includes answer key
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Instructor Resource on CD
- Lesson plans
- Instructor Support Slides
- Computerized test bank
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List Price: $370.95 USD